Flash Freebie, Sale, and Giveaway :)

I'm having a sale! Surprise! 

I know...because like no one is doing it this time of year...

The TPT Back to School Sale is from August 18-19th (that's this Sunday and Monday!) where you can earn up to 28% off! My store will be hosting a 20% off sale, and if you enter the promo code below, you will get an extra 10% off! Click the image below to take you to my store :)

If you are looking for some new resources for your classroom, here are some of my best sellers:

To help with keeping track of the Common Core Standards...

 K-2 Common Core Standards Checklists for ELA: I use these checklists in my teacher binder to keep track of the K-2 Common Core standards I am working on. This is a no-frills checklist; just the basics for a K-2 ELA teacher. The purpose of this product is to make the not-so-user-friendly online version of the standards more helpful and valuable to us, in one convenient place.

K-2 Common Core Standards Checklist for Math: I use these checklists in my teacher binder to keep track of the 3-4 Common Core standards I am working on. This is a no-frills checklist; just the basics for a 3-4 Math teacher. The purpose of this product is to make the not-so-user-friendly online version of the standards more helpful and valuable to us, in one convenient place.

For academic resources...

Quotation and Dialogue Packet: This packet is for practice with using quotation marks and dialogue differentiation. I use it in my classroom during our drama unit to teach how to read a script, but this can be used for any lesson or unit in which you want to teach quotation make placement, use of dialogue, and for test prep of these concepts. Additionally, my students love to read graphic novels and comic strips, so this packet also includes how speech bubbles convey meaning in dialogue, and ways to use dialogue in different literature.

Punctuation Practice Packet: This 22-page Packet includes practice activities for 6 punctuation concepts including: period, question mark, exclamation points, apostrophes, quotation marks, and commas. Each punctuation concept includes a corresponding poster, practice worksheets (writing punctuation, adding punctuation, and editing with punctuation), and blank worksheets to compose unique sentences using punctuation rules. Additionally, a punctuation table to help remember the different punctuation and their rules, is included for students to fill in as well.

Monster Place Value Activity Pack: This 32 page activity pack consists of 8 Place Value activities, worksheets, and math center ideas. Most of the activities come with answer sheets and opportunities to create your own versions with your own numbers based on the skills you want your students to work on.

This pack is geared toward 3-4th grade students learning place value concepts in the ones and thousands period, different forms (expanded, standard, and word), digit values, and more. Each worksheet has a targeted skill for students to work on with opportunities to differentiate for special needs students and challenge for gifted students. 
All of the activities include different product uses, materials, prerequisites or opportunities for further practice.

For Classroom ideas...

Listening Center Pack: This pack includes 3 different Listening Center Signs - 1 for Books on CD, 1 for Books on Tape, and 1 for Books on Mp3 (iPod). Hang the appropriate sign in your classroom in your designated Listening Center Area! This pack also includes a Readers Response Form perfect for emerging readers! I have used these signs and form in my classroom for years.

Fidget Break Cards: My favorite product in my store and a resource I use everyday with my kiddos! 12 cards consisting of 12 movement break ideas, called Fidget Breaks, to help refocus your students when in need of a break. These ideas have been used in my classroom and at my school for years and are extremely helpful in getting kids back on track! If purchased, the creator will personalize your break cards to fit your classroom's needs. This product is an original created by Rachael Schauer.

These activities are most beneficial with students with ADHD, Sensory disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and other developmental and intellectual disabilities. This pack has been used in a special needs classroom for over 10 years!

And, now for some my newer products...

Kindergarten Daily Warm Ups: These packets were designed to simplify the morning routine. I use these worksheets for my morning work time - each day I provide my students with one Daily Warm Up to complete as part of the morning routine. These worksheets are repetitive, to enhance student independence, automaticity and routines. Additionally, these worksheets focus on early Kindergarten skills within the Counting and Cardinality and Operations and Algebraic Thinking strands of the Kindergarten Math CCSS. These skills are so crucial to early mathematic competency and are the foundations of success for future strands, standards, and advanced mathematical concepts.

Classroom Materials Icon Cards: These cards are helpful for students suffering with executive functioning difficulties, or those who need visual reminders. These are simple, yet effective visual cards to use in your lessons. Simply display these cards on your magnetic white board, a Velcro board, a small magnetic easel, or on the table 1:1 or in a small group. It eliminates the need for students to ask questions about what they need to bring to their lesson or activity!

Behavior Management Starter Pack: This 19-page product includes everything you need to implement a classroom clip chart behavior system in your classroom! This product includes: parent letter, clip chart descriptions, clip chart system visuals, varying behavior data collection sheets, and numerous reward and consequences strategies.

Getting to Know You Fortune Tellers- Back to School Bundle: This fun product can act like a game, an ice breaker, a partner activity, community meeting activity, or anything you want! It helps kids get to know each other, especially at the beginning of the year! Perfect for back to school night, or the first day of school :)

The Bundles edition includes 3 sets of Getting to Know You Fortune Tellers (both color and b&w versions included for all three): Traditional Questions Edition, Thought-Provoking Questions Edition, & Silly Questions Edition
If you are interested in some great K + 1st grade math journals, check out this great giveaway! Kelli from Tales of a Traveling Teacher is giving away a best-selling pack of her math journals. Click here to check that out for yourself! Also, make sure to check out her terrific math journal bundles! Awesome way to spend some TpT Credits :)

Also, starting now, until...who knows, I will be hosting a FLASH FREEBIE on my Common Core Checklists for Grades 3-4! This means BOTH Math and ELA will be FREE for a limited time! Due to the awesomeness of this deal, all I ask in return is some feedback. Also, I would appreciate if you left the word "free" out of it, as it won't be free for long!

Til next time...



  1. I love the Fidgit Breaks Idea! I always have them do something (that just pops into my head) when I see them getting restless or off track. To have an actual idea and plan in mind is a great resource! Thanks!

  2. Every school is different when it comes to holding the purse strings. At my particular school we're given a set budget in April to order for the upcoming year. A specific part of the money is allocated for consumables and non-consumables. At the beginning of the year the PTO gives us $100 to either reimburse some summer spending or to buy things. (We do turn in receipts to the PTO) We also have students bring in certain supplies before coming to school. I would check with the secretary or coworkers to see if a supply list goes home or if you can send one. Our kids bring in personal items (such as dry erase markers, folders, etc) they also bring in communal items like tissues, sandwich bags, and note cards.

    If you fully have to fund your classroom I'm sorry to hear that. The first school I was at didn't really inform me of my allowed spending and I did a lot out of pocket--never hurts to ask. Also checking out DonorsChoose.org. I've gotten some D5 materials through there and I see projects for art supplies, writing supplies, etc.

    Good luck!

    You Might Be a First Graderā€¦.


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