Happy Thanksgiving

As I write this, I think of all the people, things, and experiences I am thankful for, this year, and every year. In just a few moments, I will be going for my annual 5-mile Turkey Day run (not a race, just a tradition I have with myself), and I am reminded how thankful I am for my health and mobility. A body can do wondrous things, if utilized and strengthened to its full potential. With yoga, running, and strength training, my body has been able to exhibit insurmountable things. I am so thankful for all that my body can do for me, and thankful for my ability to continue to strengthen it every day.

Later this afternoon, I will be traveling down the road to celebrate Thanksgiving with my fiance's family. Days like this remind me of how thankful I am to have a family to call my own on this coast, even by proxy. My family lives far away and I am not always able to spend the holidays with them. Having a caring, loving family here makes me feel grateful for everything I have in  life. I cannot imagine not spending this joyous, giving holiday with anyone other than family, and I am thankful that I can call this family my own as well.

This evening, we will be hosting the traditional Thanksgiving Dessert at our house. Family members will arrive with goodies to share, which will be spread across our dining room table, while individuals mingle about, speaking of memories. I look forward to this tradition every year. I love having family at my house, able to host a fun, joyous occasion, and sharing it with others.

Most of all, I am thankful for all that I have in my life: health, love, family, and friends. I am who I am today because of all that I have been given, the experiences I have had, and the love that have shared. It is often easy to take this for granted, however Thanksgiving Day is a day to reflect on your achievements, your worth, and the life you have been handed to you and have altered to fit your personal needs. It is today that we stop and think of all way are grateful for, and reflect on how we can show thanks throughout the year. Today is Thanksgiving Day.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!!
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Go ahead and check it out HERE.

    Teaching Special Thinkers

    1. Thank you for the nomination! I am so honored :)

      Happy Thanksgiving :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! What a wonderful way to celebrate it. I started my day out with a run as well.


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