Teacher Wishlist + Giveaways!

Happy Sunday Y'all

Last day of February Vacation...Boo. Oh well, I can't complain. This week has been full of relaxation, productivity, and tons and tons of blogging :)

To keep the streak going, I've decided to join up with First Grade Smiles's linky party, Teacher Wishlist Linky! What a fun way to see what other teachers are coveting. Also gives me some ideas of things I may need to spruce up my classroom as well :)
Mrs. Machan at First Grade Smiles has the following sections to join the linky:

  • Your FAVES that you can't live without
  • Your WISHLIST of things that you want for your classroom

So here it goes:
You may be able to sense a theme in many of my Faves...I'm obsessed with organization. Or at least pretending that I am organized. As someone who struggles with executive functioning, I make it my mission to find the perfect organization system, which I still have not found yet. But these little gems are helping me to find my way to a clutter-free, organized classroom:

1. Accordion File + Binder: I love this little thing...I keep all of my plans for the week, along with my unit plans, and any worksheets I will need for my lessons. I separate the expanding files by Day of the week, and add file folders for each subject. I use the binder portion for any assessments, notes, observations, and future lesson plans/unit plans. I also add student work that I would like to add to their portfolio, or put up on display for our next Bulletin Board. So far, I love this system.
2. Hanging File Folders: I use this bad boy for all things related to morning work, enrichment work, unfinished work, or homework. Because all of my kids are working at different levels and on different skills on any given day, this helps me to organize the worksheets or activities that students will be working on. I simply add a label to each folder, designating one for each student. This also makes it easy when it comes time to add homework and notices home in their mailbox, as I can just grab it and go!

3. Velcro: I use Velcro, no lie, every single day. I use it for our behavior board, my students individualized behavior plans, and all of my visual checklists. With my Velcro, I need its faithful companion...
4. Foam Poster Board: I use these nearly as much as Velcro. I use it for all of my visual checklists and activity schedules. I also use it for students' individualized plans, and more!
5. Magnet Tape: I use this ALSO for many of my visual checklists, activity schedules, classroom schedules, Fundations materials, etc. Huge must have. I'm also running out!

6. Classroom Pencil Sharpener: Yes, this made the list. It's a newbie, but a goodie!

7. Overhead Projector: I know how old school this is, and trust me, if my classroom were more technologically advanced, this wouldn't make the cut...but alas, my SmartBoard free classroom cannot live without our archaic friend. 

Here are all the things I want need for my classroom. Keep your fingers crossed that I get these for next year...
You can also sense a theme here: technology!

1. A Personal Laminator: So we have one of these at school (two actually), but because I'm super lazy, and often don't want to walk ALL the way down to the Resource Room to turn on the laminator, then wait 20 minutes, and pray that someone doesn't turn it off before I get to use it, I've decided I need one of these IN my classroom. It would cut a lot of time usually wasted waiting for the big machine to heat up, walking back and forth, and then finding that someone turned it off while I was back in my classroom. 
2. A SmartBoard: I am one of 2 classrooms in the Lower School that do not have a SmartBoar (!) so I'm really crossing my fingers that I get one next year. While I love my handy-dandy overhead projector, my teaching would be made so much more interactive and innovative. My kids keep asking when I'm going to get one. In due time chillins, in due time...

3. A LabelMaker: Because many of my kiddos need significant help with composition, a LabelMaker would be incredible! I would use this bad boy for things like labeling nonfiction features, filling in BrainFrames, and writing small short answer questions on worksheets. That way, the student doesn't have to worry about their handwriting, letter formation, etc, when I am not assessing that (as in Social Studies or Science). Writing is such an arduous task for my students, and this would cut down on the work refusal, exhausted little fingers, and behavioral issues that come from requiring my students to physically write everything.
4. iPods/Mp3 Players: I NEED these! I have lots of books on CD and I'm constantly having to re-burn the CD because they are scratched from improper use and clean up. I would love to incorporate more Listening Center time, if I only had the technology to manage it... le sigh.
5. iPads/Tablets: As a teacher for students with special needs, I am always on the look out for functional apps. Unfortunately, I only have a personal iPad, and while I enjoy sifting through the App Library for the best special needs apps around, I find they don't do me much good by myself. I would love to incorporate more of this type of technology in the classroom, for both students' academic purposes and for data collection purposes.
6. Talk Bar: I've been trying to win one of these forever now! Every time I see one up for grabs in a giveaway, I enter, praying I get the winning number. But alas, I have not won yet, and I think I may just have to suck it up and purchase this gem myself. 
7. Rechargeable Batteries: Until I get my mp3 players, my CD players will have to do. If they are going to remain functional in my classroom, I need to get me some rechargeable batteries! Those suckers drain all of my batteries so quickly, but with rechargeable ones, I won't have to continuously shell out tons of dough to keep my kiddos literate!

What are your favorite product you can't live without? What about what's on your wishlist? I'd love to know! Link up with the Teacher Wishlist Linky, hosted by First Grade Smiles! Who knows...maybe someone will get you one of your wishes?

Also, check out That's So Second Grade's 300 Follower Giveaway! There are three amazing prize packs to win! Check it out :)

Remember: just a few days left to enter my Quietest Classroom Pencil Sharpener Giveaway!



  1. I love your hanging folders. I have to look out for one myself. I'd love some ipads and smart board, even mp3 players. Maybe for next year. I finally got a document camera and will be getting a projector installed. Good luck with your wishes!!

  2. After reading your wishlist I IMMEDIATELY went looking for that accordion binder! I MUST have it :) Thanks for the great ideas!!!

    First Grade Smiles


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