#TIU #Goals #Currently

Greetings Y'all,

In my attempt to improve myself, I have really decided to crunch down (no pun intended) on my fitness and overall wellbeing. While I was pleased with what I looked like in my wedding dress, I don't physically feel my best. I am lethargic, sluggish, and dehydrated. I'm not completely comfortable in my own skin, and I want to change that. So, as a result, I have decided to come up with some goals for the remainder of the summer. These are fitness goals, and they are in a calendar format. My goal is to complete this calendar to my best ability for the remainder of the month of July, and for the month of August. I have plugged in workouts already completed for the weeks of July that have passed.

I have adapted the Tone It Up weekly calendar and the Tone It Up Triathlon Training Calendar to create my own custom calendar that works for me.

How I use this calendar:
  • I've scheduled in meditation everyday. I have been practicing mindful meditation for a couple of years now, and there is nothing more rejuvenating and uplifting.
  • My yoga practice consists of yoga classes, videos, and spontaneous yoga wherever I'm at. I even practiced some yoga on the beaches of Hawaaii on my honeymoon, just because the urge was there.
  • The days where you see bike and run on the same day, is part of the triathlon training in which I am suposed to complete the 2nd activity immediately after the first.
  • On "Toning" days, I am following this sequence from Tone It Up: 

  • To supplement my training and fitness goals, I have signed up for the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan. The price is steep, but I've heard great things, and am hoping that spending all the money will be an even bigger motivator to keep me sticking to my goals.
I've also made a Vision Board, which I am super proud of, and had fun creating:

Yes, I laid it on a yoga mat for this picture :)

And finally, my Currently for the month of July.

listening: I have animals! I need to keep them cool! Plus is approximately 6 bajillion degrees with 200% humidity in Boston. I don't really feel like dying today!

loving: I love all most of the smells of Summertime! I love the smell of freshly cut grass. I love the smell of a BBQ. I love the smell of sunscreen!

thinking: I need to make something healthy tonight for dinner. I'm on my health kick and am taking my husband along for the ride!

wanting: With all this triathlon training, it would be great to get a better, more functional bike (i.e. NOT a Cruiser...)

needing: Did you read my whole post above? I'm always dehydrated! You would think this would be an easy fix...think again.

tips, tricks, or hints: In the spirit of all things health - use smaller plates for portion control! I know how easy it is to eat 3 servings of spaghetti. Your mind is easily tricked though - so deceive it by using a smaller plate!

That's all for now. Cheers!


  1. I also do Tone it Up work outs! I like them a lot.


  2. You are an inspiration. Does reading about you exercising count as me exercising? No? Darn...
    Justin Knight
    Writing Pad Dad


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