Rist Roller: The Little Foam Roller with a BIG Impact

When Jessika from RistRoller reached out to me, I hadn't yet heard of them. I'm a HUGE fan of foam rollers of any kind, though, so I was super excited to learn more about their company and product.

According to their website, this mini foam roller is designed for targeted in the muscles in your forearm. This is a genius idea, especially for people who type on the computer all day. Aside from your wrist, you can utilize this little tool for other difficult areas of the body. Keep reading for a list of ways I like to use the RistRoller.

Once I received the little package (I'm talking like 6-inches-by-6-inches-little), I ripped open the packaging to find three perfectly packed mini foam rollers.

And look at these cute little bracelets!

Obviously, I tried the roller on my wrist, which helped relieve some tension, particularly on my dominant arm.

The RistRollers I received are very compact and firm. There are different degrees of firmness available as well as different diameters (all still mini). 

The pups were very intrigued when I was laying on the floor, allowing the RistRoller to work through my calf muscles. So much so that Addy wanted to join in the fun!

To give you an idea of the size, I stood a RistRoller with my other foam rollers. Each one of my foam rollers (RistRoller included) is used for a specific ailment or purpose. So cool :)

How Can You Use the RistRoller?

Some body parts I've used the RistRoller:
  • Wrists (duh)
  • Palms
  • Forearms
  • Elbows and Upper Arms (particularly after a bicep/tricep workout)
  • Neck
  • Shoulder
  • Calves
  • Feet (feels great!)
You could use the RistRoller pretty much anywhere that you are experiencing some muscle tightness. While it's size is small, it packs a powerful punch!

I found the RistRoller to be the firmness I generally need. Additionally, its size allows you to work through muscles you wouldn't otherwise be able to roll. If you are interested in checking out this great tool, check out the RistRoller Shop! I recommend this product to add to your health and fitness toolbox!

And now, how about a GIVEAWAY! RistRoller was kind enough to offer a black Rist Rollers to 3 lucky winners! Enter below using the Rafflecopter and I will announce the winner next Wednesday!

This post was sponsored by RistRoller, however all opinions are my own.


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