Trick AND Treat: 5 Tricks to Have in Your Therapy Bag

It's October, so how about a trick and a treat? Let's talk today about 5 things you need in your therapy bag if you do in-home services. This also applies to any teachers or parents who work to support a learner on skill building and decreasing problem behaviors. You can't go wrong with these tricks in your bag!

Obviously, we know to pack certain things, like pens, data sheets, therapy binder, etc. (check out this post for some fun, therapy-specific ideas to bring) But here are some additional tools you may not have considered using/needing during your in-home sessions!

5 "tricks" to pack in your therapy bag...

1. Sheet protectors

Sheet protectors are key! I use them as a folder for new worksheets or data sheets I need to add to the treatment binder. I use them to protect master copies of said worksheets and data sheets. I also use them in a pinch as a dry erase board or lamination -> this is my favorite way to use them!

2. Dry erase markers

These markers come in hand when writing on sheet protectors (see above), on dry erase boards (duh), and anything you've laminated. I always find myself reaching for these to add a quick qualifier or additional step to a previously made visual.

3. Sticky Notes

Seriously, these little guys are so helpful! They are great for creating a quick, temporary visual (I find at least once a week, I need a visual that I haven't yet created), jotting down a quick reminder for yourself for the next session, and for simple data collection (check out this great idea from The Autism Vault)

4. Smartphone with apps

Your Smartphone can be used in a pinch for data collection, teaching strategies, or as a reinforcer (provided you're cool with that). I use my iPhone to collect frequency and duration data using the BehaviorTrackerPro app, as a timer using my phone's timer or an app called Random Timer for variable interval schedules (not truly variable, but helpful nonetheless), to run a preference assessment (for more advanced learners who do not need the physical objects to make a choice), as well as many other apps for reinforcement procedures. There are also apps for creating visual schedules, teaching set skills, and using behavior mapping strategies. Check out the treat section below for my 5 favorite ways to track data using a Smartphone!

5. Variety of reinforcers!

This is crucial. If you can only bring one thing with you, it's reinforcers. These should be a wide variety, including toys, edibles, technology, games, crafts, etc. Ideally, you should have already conducted a preference assessment to determine the most potent reinforcers for your learners, but having a bag with back up is always helpful!

Now it's time for you treat! Click the image below to get a list of my top 5 favorite apps for ABA therapy! Enjoy :)

ABA at Play: data collection procedures, prompting, preference assessment, reinforcement, visuals

What else do you carry in your therapy bag? Any must-haves?


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