A Thankful Classroom
Happy Friday Friends!
If you are looking for a fun craftivity to do with your kiddos during the short week next week (US teachers at least), check out my Thankful Turkeys Craftivity! They turn out super cute and for under $2, it's quite a steal!
You can choose between the feathers with lines for your students who are writers, or the blank feathers for students who would prefer to draw. Both are provided in this product. Additionally, there are explicit directions for assembly and pictures to follow along. This is honestly, one of my favorite products because it is so simple, yet so adorable when it's all put together! My kids loved how these turned out and you will too!

Also, if you are looking for a math activity to add to your centers or downtime next week, look no further than my Don't Be a Turkey! Number Sense Math Center. This product is perfect for Kindergarteners or anyone who needs help with number subitizing and number sense! I used this with some of my 1st and 2nd graders who were struggling with the automaticity of recognizing clusters of objects. Super helpful and fun!
With easy to follow instructions for both readers and nonreaders, this simple center is perfect for your differentiated classroom. And for less than $2, you get a great center for a little :)
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