Long Overdue...

Greetings friends!

This post I am about to type is bittersweet. I have many feelings about where my life is taking me, all of them positive, some of them sprinkled with anxiety and fear. Some are mixed with sadness. But, the overarching feeling about this topic is: relief.

Okay, so let's get to itā€¦

I am leaving teaching.

Sort of.

After an incredibly stressful, draining, and unsuccessful year of teaching, I am leaving the classroom to pursue my passion of behavior analysis. This is a logical transition for me, as I completed my Masters in Behavior Analysis last May, and am taking the BACB exam in 2 weeks (!). After a year of stress and anxiety, I realize that the classroom isn't the right environment for me. And that's okay! My interests in teaching are NOT about meetings, classroom management, scheduling specials and field trips, teacher evaluations. What I miss most about teaching this year is having the time to teach and see that what I am teaching is making a difference in my students' lives. I want to find that againā€¦

I know what you are thinkingā€¦how is moving to becoming a BCBA going to allow you to teach? Well, the beauty about behavior analysis, is that it is ALL about teaching. I will be developing programs to teach any variety of skills, from academic skills, to life skills, to behavior skills. And the best part is, each and every skill being trained is meaningful to the individual. Shocking concept, right?

I do not have a job yetā€¦I am looking. But I do know that I am not staying in my position again next year, and have not been looking for jobs in the traditional teaching sense. My job search is saved as "BCBA" on my go-to websites. When I'm not applying for behavior analysis jobs, I am studying for the exam. Proof: 

Note the YouTube video on Standard Celeration Charts, the Ethics manual, BACB Task List, and endless study guides and flash cards!

Don't worry. I will keep you posted only progress. And don't worry. This doesn't mean this blog, or my TPT store will become obsolete. Quite the contrary! I think this new experience will add a new voice to the teaching blogging community (much like Chris' blog does!), as well as provide helpful products for a variety of populations with my skills in ABA (again, enter Chris). Just another reason to add to the list of good feelings about this big change :)


  1. What a great way to start the Easter season, renewed! Congrats on your bravery and may you continue to find your way. I applaud you.


  2. Hello Rae. I believe that things happen with a greater purpose than we realize. Also, things have a way of working out for the best. Good luck with your new path. I'm glad you're keeping your blog so we'll be able to keep track of your progress. Happy Easter!

  3. I wish you the very best on your new journey. I hope you continue to keep us all updated. I bet you will be missed greatly in the classroom. Best wishes!
    Stephanie from Principal Principles

  4. HI Rae, thanks so much for the shout-out...that was very sweet. Good luck on the BCBA exam....I know you will feel better once that is under your belt! And finally, kudos for you for coming to a decision. I know from reading that it has been weighing on you for some time. The job market for BCBAs is booming so you shouldn't have any difficulty finding a job you love. I'm glad you will keep writing so we can see where the journey takes you. Good luck!

    Autism Classroom News

  5. Good luck! It sounds like your new path is clear, Paula @ educatingchildrenwithdisabilities.blogspot


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